San Diego County Garden Design Center 760-753-3153
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Beautiful Plants & Inspired Designs Since 1954
Shrubs, Trees & Native Plants​​
We offer a wide variety of shrubs, trees and native plants that grow well in the San Diego area. If you're looking for plants that will thrive in our climate, we can help you find great foundation plants for your garden as well as drought tolerant natives that will bloom and enhance your landscape throughout the year.
California Native Plants
We have a great selection of plants in stock from Moosa Creek Nursery who specializes in California native plants, sustainable and wildlife friendly landscaping and socially responsible business.
For home gardeners, Moosa Creek Nursery’s plants are available at Anderson’s La Costa. We offer a wide selection of Moosa Creek’s healthy, beautiful California natives on a regular basis. Our inventory includes at least 40 different species at any point in time. We can also help facilitate special orders with Moosa Creek’s entire inventory of 350 different types of California native plant species that are available for purchase online and delivered directly to our store for pick up. We partner with this wonderful grower of California native plants so that you can order exactly the type and selection you want.

Shrubs are generally considered the ‘anchor ‘ or foundation plants of the garden and always lead to a spirited debate about “ ….when does a shrub become’ a tree (correct answer is ..Whenever you decide it is now a tree). Shrubs can visually anchor a building to a site, guide the line of sight toward or away from certain views, and bridge the space between lower-growing perennials and taller trees to give a sense of completion to a landscape. Deciduous shrubs can offer seasonal changes and shapes not found with evergreen shrubs.
In general shrubs are woody plants (at least at their base) that normally support many outward radiating stems. They can be low growing woody groundcovers, a rounded bush or a plant that reaches small tree proportions. This category includes plants called sub-shrubs which have a woody crown and herbaceous top growth. A large number of plants can be either shrubs or trees depending on the growing conditions they experience. Small, low shrubs (such as lavender, periwinkle and thyme) are many times referred to as subshrubs.
Many shrubs respond well to renewal pruning in which hard cutting back results in long new stems known as "canes." Other shrubs respond better to selective pruning to reveal their structure and character.
We also offer a selection of trees including fruit trees and deciduous trees, which can offer seasonal changes, shade and habitat for local wildlife.
Reach out to us anytime to find out what we trees have in stock at our Encinitas nursery in the San Diego area.